im babysitting a 3 year old, who is mostly potty trained, but may have an accident. I have changed younger children diapers before (my many little cousins) but haven't changed an older kids yet (sadly). Got any tips or advice? Things to do differently?
Ps. it's a boy and this is my first time babysitting him.New babysitter, i%26039;ve only changed babys diaper, how to change a 3 year olds.?
3 year olds can be squirmy and like to play tricks so its safer if you put a change pad on the floor and change him there. That way he can't fall off a change table if he tries to get away from you.
Also talk to the parents before they go about what type of diapers they use. Some use pullups at that age. (If he does a number 2 it would be easier to tear the side then pull it off or you will end up with doodie all over his legs)
Others use plastic pants over top to stop leaks.
Otherwise its not really any different then baby boys.
I hope that helps. :)New babysitter, i%26039;ve only changed babys diaper, how to change a 3 year olds.?
just give him somthing to hold and work fast and watch out for the pee.New babysitter, i%26039;ve only changed babys diaper, how to change a 3 year olds.?
same thing, but bigger bum! and he''ll be able to undress and dress himself. If its a wet accident, he can stand while you wipe him down with a damp cloth, if it's dirty, it will be easier/ and far less messier, if he lies downNew babysitter, i%26039;ve only changed babys diaper, how to change a 3 year olds.?
same as a babys nappy change....with boys though you have to be quick. when they pee it goes EVERYWHERE!!New babysitter, i%26039;ve only changed babys diaper, how to change a 3 year olds.?
same ole same ole. its exactly the same, except he'll prob move around more.