I think it is a bad idea b/c they don't have maternal instincts like women and might not know how to change diapers plus they can't breastfeed or carry them on their hip.How do you feel about men babysitting?
LMAO That's bullshit. My dad watched me all the time. They can care for their own childrenHow do you feel about men babysitting?
I changed my little brothers nappies (US diapers) all the time, fed him put him to bed and i am 100% straightHow do you feel about men babysitting?
I figure as long as their picture is not on the registered sex offender database or they're not priests, they can be trusted to sit with a babby for maybe 10 minutes. How do you feel about men babysitting?
its totally a girls job. How do you feel about men babysitting?
I just think in general it looks weird. Even if nothing weird happens, it just doesn't look right. How do you feel about men babysitting?
When I read that I thought of Micheal Jackson! LOL!How do you feel about men babysitting?
I think most people would think it was weird, because when you think sex offender, you think male. And they probably would just set the baby down somewhere and go watch football.How do you feel about men babysitting?
Wow. I have a neighbor who watches his grand kids while his daughter goes to college at night. He seems to know what he's doing. You ought to get out more and discover the real world dear.How do you feel about men babysitting?
I didn't know babysitters were supposed to breastfeed other children. Unless you meant your spouse. But my bf actually babysat his cousins all the time and I think he's better with kids a whole lot more than I am. I mean I've never held a baby before in my life..How do you feel about men babysitting?
As long as they aren't pervs and are related to the kid then I wouldn't care.How do you feel about men babysitting?
they'll rape the children!
if the kids are older i think its alright but with babies i don't think its a good idea.How do you feel about men babysitting?
I don't think a baby that still needs to be breast fed should be with a babysitter male or female with the exception of EXTREME emergencies (btw if you were going to actually use the 'can't breastfeed' excuse you would also disqualify every female babysitter that has not had a baby recently, since your breasts do not produce milk until you are pregnant) Everything else can obviously be learned pretty easily or else single fathers would not have a chance. You do not have one valid reason for no male babysitters. Although, they are rare there is no reason not to hire a male to babysit. How do you feel about men babysitting?
it would be ok unless its a priest.How do you feel about men babysitting?
Wow... that was absurd. Most kids are fed formula because many women don't breast feed. I can carry two kids on my hips. I am able to maintain my cool when kids act up, wanna play or get hungry. You obviously have NO idea what you're talking about. Get a life.
%26lt;~~~ Father of two little girls.How do you feel about men babysitting?
I disagree. As a feminist, i believe in equality between sexes. By saying that men can't babysit, you are putting up a divide. Saying men can't babysit because they don't have a so called %26quot;maternal instinct%26quot; is the same as saying women shouldn't work because they're stupid. Neither is true and both are sexist.How do you feel about men babysitting?
Well, you cant really stereo type men like that. A lot of men are well aware of how to care for a child. So, this is really a sexest question.How do you feel about men babysitting?
What?? I babysit my nephew all the time and I don't breastfeed him. my hubby carries my son on his hip all the time, and what does maternal instincts have to do with changing diapers?
I wouldn't let a random guy watch my little ones 'cause I be afraid he was a chester molester.How do you feel about men babysitting?
My husband watches our kids all the time. We had two spares yesterday, my neighbors kids, and he watched with all 5 of them. He was carrying two up the stairs when I came home, everyone had snacks and had a great time. He supervised clean up before our guests went home. He's changed thousands of diapers between our kids, and our siblings kids. He carries our youngest in a backpack carrier while he walks the dog. I pumped milk and he gave them bottles, so he was able to feed them just like I was.How do you feel about men babysitting?
How do you feel about men having full custody of their own children?
My husband has had full custody of his son since his son was 8 months old. god only knows where his mother is. And when my husband and I got together I had my daughter from a previous relationship who was 6 months old and my husband would watch her for me sometimes and he was great with her.
Just because some men love children doesn't mean they are perverts!!How do you feel about men babysitting?
I watched my son when my wife worked evenings and I worked days so he could spend the maximum amount of time with his parents and he turned out pretty good. Either this is a joke of a question or you are one of the biggest dumba$$'s on Yahoo today. Either way you are a dumba$$.How do you feel about men babysitting?
Why would ANY man babysit. That is a woman's job!!!