Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Diaper change help, please?

I asked this in another section, but didn't get much of a response. I am going to try here. Thanks!

My 1 yr old son does not like diaper changes. He cries, thrashes, tries to roll, etc every time we lay him on his back. We thought it was just a phase when he started doing it around 8-9 months, but it hasn't stopped. Seriously, sometimes I have to change him with my feet on his shoulders to keep him still! The only time we got a peaceful diaper change was when he was drinking a bottle because he was distracted, and already on his back. But, now that he is 1, we are trying to wean him off the bottle. Which is hard, because he won't drink formula out of a cup, and he has shown no interest in whole milk! Anyway, does anyone have any advice on how to help diaper changes go better? Also, if you have any tips about the milk too, that would be great! We have tried putting chocolate ovaltine in the milk but he still turns it away. Thanks!Diaper change help, please?
Time to start playing with him to make diaper changes more fun.

I usually do the %26quot;1-2-3- TICKLE!%26quot; game. I say 1, 2, 3... Tickle! and I tickle my son. He giggles like a little maniac! I stop, wait a few seconds, and then start the 1, 2, 3, again. I hold up my fingers when I'm doing it.

During a diaper change, he'll stop everything and hold still, anticipating the tickle to come. If I say the numbers slow enough, I can get the new diaper on %26amp; fastened before I reach 3. Not that you can do a WHOLE diaper change on one count/tickle, but in three or four of them, sure.Diaper change help, please?
All that you can do about the milk is keep offering it to him. If you give him his bottles warmed, or room temp, try heating the milk a bit, he might just not like it cold. As for the diaper changes, you have to be firm and let him know that thrashing about is not acceptable. Hold him down and be firm with him. I hate to say it, and I do not hit my kids, but you could try a little smack on the thigh.Diaper change help, please?
Maybe the act of raising his legs usually done during a diaper change causes some pain or discomfort. Talk to your doctor about his behavior. As far as the milk is concerned, try different types and brands. Try whole milk, skim, 2% or skim extra. He may prefer one type over another. You may also try soy milk or goat milk.
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