How many diaper changes a day did your baby go through at these ages
1. Newborn to 3 months
2. 3 months to 6 months
3. 6 months to a year?How many diaper changes a day did your baby go through?
1.every feed/ or when he pooped! have not gotten past the first one yetHow many diaper changes a day did your baby go through?
1) every feed time
2) still every feed time
3) when they were wet or soiledHow many diaper changes a day did your baby go through?
My daughter is only 3 months old and we usually go through 6 diapers a day. Max is 8 but usually just 6. She only poops like once a day and I change her pee diapers every 3 hours. She sleeps from 11pm to 8am so I change her before bed then when she gets up.How many diaper changes a day did your baby go through?
I change more time that I can.
Because I don't like my baby dirty and allergy.
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