At best it is an awkward situation to have to change in public. Even in the best of restrooms it can be difficult to try to change your diaper in a narrow stall.
None of us likes to advertise the fact that we have to wear diapers. To have to change in a location that may expose our need to others can be embarrassing and uncomfortable emotionally.
If the diaper is just wet, it is considerably easier to just let the wet one drop to the floor and put on a clean dry diaper. As soon as the clean one is on, you redress yourself, pick up the wet one, bag it and dispose of it in the proper container. Usually this doesn't take long and if the area isn't real busy then it mostly can be done without being observed.
But. . . . if it is a messy diaper, then that is another story. Now you have this diaper that is full of crap, not to mention probably smeared all over your backside. You have to wipe yourself and clean yourself off, then you have to dispose of the contents of the diaper, then bag it and dispose of the diaper itself. This takes longer, not to mention the appearance and odor. If you are in a location where others can walk in on you then it can be very embarrassing because some people can be cruel and would just as soon ridicule you as to allow you some privacy.
For myself, I try to find as secluded a location as possible, out of the main traffic flow of wherever I'm at. To help reduce the possibility of embarrassment, I will generally turn my back to the main part of the room so that if someone comes in, I don't see them. Sort of an %26quot;out of sight, out of mind%26quot; thing. If I don't see them seeing me, then I'm not embarrassed. Does that make sense?
No matter what you do, you are in a public location and are open to being exposed to others. Sometimes I'm sure that it is just as embarrassing for them to find you as it is for you to be noticed. Just keep in mind that this person more than likely doesn't know you and you will probably never see them again, so it really doesn't matter what they think. If they can't be adult enough to realize that not everyone has the ability to control their bodies like they would like to be able to then I feel sorry for them and pray that they are never put into the same situation at some time because they would not be able to handle it.
I'm not sure this answers your question but it's my insight to the problem that all of us incontinent diaper users face on a daily basis.
I'm sorry that you are in the same position that so many of us are.
Good luck to you.For Incontinent People only...Diaper change etiquette viewpoints?
My pleasure, glad I could help.
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For Incontinent People only...Diaper change etiquette viewpoints?Right on! This gets awkward. A lot depends if its bowl or urine and if you are wearing pad or diaper. It is also important to have some idea where disposal will take place.
If your ego can handle it, you are no different the one handed person or stroke victim. Your/ours is a tad more embarassing, but it is still an adjustment to the body we have.