the diapers goes by weight so when he grows out of one as in the tabs cant close the diaper anymore then move on to the next size. it really does not go by months. starting out with size 1 would be a good choice. i did with all of my children because they grow so fast. with the feeding it is up to your baby. all babies eat different amounts. start off with one once which he probably wont eat more then that for the first couple days. the hospital will help you with the feeding information. now for the amount of cans it depends on how much he eats and will change through out the months. my daughter is 10 weeks old and eats 5 oz. every 3-4 hours. every few weeks she will start eating an extra ounce. when he is dont eating he will stop sucking or try to push the bottle out of his mouth. if he wants more he will cry or continue to suck even if nothing is there. he will go searching.What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
Well, he prob won't be in newborns, my son was over ten lbs too, and he wore the newborn ones (because i got them from my baby shower) for about a week and I just put him straight in 2s if i remember. It just depends on how your baby gains weight. The diapers go by weight. My son is 7 months and he is over 26lbs so he is in a size 5 already! If I were you, I wouldn't stock up on diapers, but maybe you could put the money aside for it. As far as ounces when they are born, I think you start out with 2oz at first and if they are still hungry you up the ounces until they are satisfied. Im not sure though, because I breastfed the first 6 months.What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
when the old one no longer fit the babyWhat is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
My son came out being 9.5 pounds he still was in NB's for awhile, babies lose weight in the beginning of their life. He switched to 1's in about 2-3 weeks then into 2's now he he is 6 months old being 20lbs and he is in size 3 since he was 5.5 months old, It all depends how fast they grow and where all the weight is at, my son is very long he is a lil over 28 inches long! The nurses and doctors will let you know how many oz's to give to your baby, most of the the time its 2oz every couple of hours. You will know when your baby needs to eat. Being a mother you will pick that right up!What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
There really is no telling. Every baby is different as far as weight and body shape so there aren't any set ages as to when they move up in size. The hospital will provide diapers while you stay so you can see the true weight of your son and then decide what to get for diapers from there. While stocking up may seem smart it doesn't always pay off. You could end up with tons of unused diapers that way. From experience, though, my son was in size 4s for the longest(from 10-16 months).
As far as formula goes, most babies start off with 2-3 oz. approximately every 1-3 hours. He will let you know if he needs more. If he downs a 2 oz. bottle and still is sucking hard or fussing then he probably needs more.What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
I think y daughter spent about a month and a half in size 1s, but we kept her in Newborn until she was 10 lbs, and then moved her into size 2 when she was 12 lbs. really it's a little hard to tell because every baby grows a little differently.
I don't know about formula (we breastfeed), but the exact amount you go through will also depend on your child. I do know that you will know if he wants more because he will tell you. babies will tell you when something isn't right, they cry to tell you if they're still hungry, or wet, or want held, or are tired, or have gas. if you don't put enough in a bottle he will also try to keep sucking on it after there is only air.What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
All babies grow at they're own rate. There is no real way to tell how long each size will last. My daughter was in newborn diapers for 2 months but only in size one diapers for 2 weeks. The first babies do not need more than an ounce at a time. Why not try breastfeeding the first few weeks then your baby will decide the exact right amount of food that they need and you wont have to measure, or wash bottles.What is the ages that babies change diaper sizes?
It depends on the baby. My son will be a year in two weeks but he is only in a size 3 diaper.