and everyday in the bath?
what about when he's older... how much maintenannce is involved?
if you're answering and youre not circumciced plz tell me if youve ever had any infection problems
thanksIs it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
That is not true. An uncircumsized baby檚 penis requires no special attention from the parent until the boy has discovered he can pull his foreskin back himself. Forcing the foreskin back can cause serious problems, so just leave it be.
I don檛 consider it high-maintenance to wash it. Just like any other bodypart, e.g. armpits. It takes me a few seconds, and I usually even enjoy doing it!
edit to skyepaige39 ?are you kidding me? Read the below articles and try to know what you're talking about next time before you blast somebody else's (correct) answer. it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
you should wash all of your baby - that includes their butt and penis. You should retract the foreskin as far as possible. In an infant, the foreskin typically adheres to the head of the penis, so it won't retract fully. That's normal, and you shouldn't force it back.
Yes, wash everything you can reach; and yes, pull the foreskin back as much as it will go without force.
Men and women should also wash all of their body; that includes the butt and the penis on men. And men need to know that they should pull the foreskin back and wash under it when they are in the shower.
Men also have to know that they should pull it back out of the way when urinating.
That's the only 'special' care needed. Thank you for leaving your child whole; the American Association of Pediatrics does not recommend circumcision for infants, and I'm glad you have followed their advice.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
Please check with you babies doctor, you do not try to force back a infants foreskin, it will not go, it is adheared to the head of his penis and you can do great damage trying to force it, just wash and change as needed, just wash the areas you can seeIs it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
God no. The foreskin NEVER needed to be pulled back, for any reason-ever, except by the owner of the penis AFTER it is fully retratable- usually between 3 years old until after puberty. Until the forskin comes apart from the glans, the skin is attached like a fingernail to a wouldn't rip your fingernails off to clean would you. That fusion actually KEEP feces or dirt or any other ikky stuff from getting in there and causing infection.
An intact penis is low maintenence. As a baby, you just wipe the penis like a finger with a wipe. That is it. No pulling the skin back at all.
And after the forskin has retrated, it is cleaned like a circed penis, but the skin just gets moved.
Easy- peasy!
OH and an FYI, Little boys that are intact can have %26quot;ballooning%26quot; of the forskin as seperation takes place. It is where urine fills in between the head and foreskin before being released. It is totally normal and still does not need to be retracted then. Urine is sterile.
Some good sites on care of the intact penis:
On foreskin issues:
How to deal with medical folks that try to retract:
Careing for the newborns penis:
Foreskin Hygiene: The foreskin is easy to care for. The infant should be bathed or sponged frequently, and all parts should be washed including the genitals. The uncircumcised penis is easy to keep clean. No special care is required! No attempt should be made to forcibly retract the foreskin. No manipulation is necessary. There is no need for special cleansing with Q-tips, irrigation, or antiseptics; soap and water externally will suffice.
Foreskin Retraction: As noted, the foreskin and glans develop as one tissue. Separation will evolve over time. It should not be forced. When will separation occur? Each child is different. Separation may occur before birth; this is rare. It may take a few days, weeks, months, or even years. This is normal. Although many foreskins will retract by age 5, there is no need for concern even after a longer period. [1984 version only: No harm will come in leaving the foreskin alone.] Some boys do not attain full retractability of the foreskin until adolescence.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
NO! their foreskin is not retractable at birth and will do it on its own- you could cause him a lot of pain. there is no more maintenance than a cut baby- they have alot of extra skin that IS retractable and you need to clean it every diaper change- i wish i would not have got my son done- it wasnt mine to mess withIs it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
No, it's not true. Terry has just about given the best answer, so follow that.
Two of my three sons were ok with that wash routine, but the third (youngest one) had eventually to have the snip on medical grounds.
Common sense and a gentle hand washing/drying is all that's needed to keep him, or any of us, clean.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
NO! LOL that's what pro-circumcision people like to say to pretend there's lots of work involved.
In fact, it's really easy. The foreskin is attached to the glans on infants. They're fused, and you can't pull the foreskin back (unless you really rip in which case you will know because it will bleed and he will scream etc.)
Because they are attached, there's no gap for dirt and germs to get in.
The foreskin and the glans will become detached at some point in the guy's life, usually age 3-10 but sometimes well into puberty. By that time, he'll definitely be old enough to understand when you just remind him to pull it back to wash under it....I know it's np big deal for guys to do this because I know plenty of uncircumcised teens (including my boyfriend) who can manage doing it every day in the shower, and no infections with any of them.
So you just need to carefully wipe the outside of an intact penis. Much easier that with a circumcised penis! There's a wound, it looks terrible, you have to mess around with vaseline and gauze and antibiotics and that's assuming everything goes right.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
I am mother of one son who is now 19 and pleased that he is intact. I was told not to retract the foreskin when he was an infant, and I did not. He took baths until puberty, and it is likely that the penis being submerged was adequate. At puberty, his pediatrician gave him some cleaning instructions and he has been taking care of it himself from there.
He was so glad to be whole and intact that at 16 he convinced his stepmother not to have his half-brother circumcised when he was born (and she was planning on it, relented only at the last minute).Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
No, it's not true. In fact, doing so could cause harm to your son. The foreskin is fused to the head of the penis in infant boys and does not separate until they are older. Some boys are beginning puberty before the foreskin fully separates.
There is no %26quot;maintenance%26quot;. The foreskin is a wonderful, amazing organ that cleans itself in infancy. When your son is older, he can gently pull the foreskin back and clean his penis himself.
Infections are NOT higher in babies who have not been circumsized. There is no medical benefit to putting a baby through this horribly barbaric and painful %26quot;procedure%26quot;.
You can also keep in mind that should you leave your son intact, he can decide when he's older if he wants to be circumsized. Considering that circumcision is on the decline, it won't be long before circumsized boys will be a minority.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
No, that's not true. Most babies foreskin isn't retractable until about 3 years old. By that time you can teach them to retract it and clean it at bath time. My son isn't circumcised and I don't have to do anything special with it right now, he's 17 months. He's never had an infection.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
Not true. You should NEVER force a baby's foreskin back. He'll pull it back on his own when it's ready. When he's older and his foreskin is retractable, just pull it back in the bath or shower, rinse, and that's it.
Both my sons are intact. My youngest is 19 months and his foreskin isn't retractable yet. My older son is 5 and his foreskin has been retractable since he was 18 months old. He's never had an infection, and neither has my intact 60 year old dad.
http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.oIs it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
The foreskin is attached about the same way as a fingernail is attached to a finger. After some years later in life the foreskin is then at a point where it can be retracted.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
ok....michael is wrong, wrong, absolutely must retract the foreskin and clean around the glans penis. feces and urine can easily find their way under the skin..... dont take it from me. call the pediatrician.Is it true that unless u circumcice your baby you have to wash under his forskin after every diaper change?
the foreskin cannot pull back until he is about 11/2 years old.
after that, you gotta keep it clean or it will get little puss bubbles under it