Each time he smells and a few minutes after every meal or snack.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
When you smell something- lol or when you notice his butt sagging a little- like he's full of pee.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
Well, generally you should change a 1 year old about every 3 hours or so or if you notice that he is poopy or his diaper is sagging because of a lot of pee.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
Usually every 2 or 3 hours. Just look at the diaper, it fills with pee and you can see that it is bulky. Poop needs to be changed as soon as he pushes it out.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
When the inside of his diaper is wet or dirty. Dirty you will smell. Wet you will have to check by touching the inside with you finger.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
in the day care that i use to work at we would change the diapers every 2 hours unless they made a bad diaper. but be sure to ask the parents about how often and if they use any baby powder or any other type of baby rash cream (some children are more prone to rashes) but over all the 2 hour rule is a good rule of thumbHow do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
I'm a mother of 2, what I do is feel the diaper, and if it's wet than all doubts change it, it will feel squishy, and if its dry it will not feel squishy at all. But get in the front center of the diaper to make sure. That's what I do. If you can find a dry diaper in the house you are baby sitting that is how it will feel on the toddler.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
well if the diaper smells like poop obviously. also to find out about the pee you can put a tissue in the diaper and just peep in and if the tissue is wet...ITS TIME TO CHANGE :)How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
When a baby wakes up from a nap, every hour he is awake (if wet), and right before a nap.
You aren't paying for the diapers and no parent is going to yell at you for keeping the baby properly dry. I would rather my babysitter waste diapers than let my daughter sit in pee and get a rash.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
If my son has pooped then as soon as I smell/notice it he gets changed. With the pee, then if the nappy is squishy change it. If is still feels cotton wool like then it isn't wet enough and will be wasted.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
well this is actualy a good question
For boys
pp- this can wait for a little while boys are less likely to get an infection from less changing no more than 2 hours or until the diaper is saggy you will know how often just by looking at his diaper it should never hang down
poop- change asap this is nasty and you dont wanna smell it for long the baby will not like sittin around in a dirty diaper so if you dont smell it he will cry to let you know at least most babies do poopy diapers are gross change the poor baby
For baby girls
pp- this can wait again no more than 2 hours at this age you may want to keep an eye though bc little girls can get yeist infections so pay attention
poop- needs to be taken care of immediately girls are more likely to get urinary tract infections or yeist infections at this age from a nasty diaper e coli from poop is the main cause of urinary tract infctions in little girls thats why girls are told to wipe front to backHow do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
Well if it is dirty you will usually smell it or you can tell when they are going if they strain. Then you change it right away. Otherwise, a good rule of thumb is to at least change it every 2 hours.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
You need to change a 1 year old after each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and then in between if they do a poo or you press the outside of the nappy (front for boys, under for girls) and it feels firm, then it's full of wee and you should change.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
Smell! hehe
You can look and see if there is pee; the diaper just looks %26quot;fuller%26quot;. If in doubt, squish it. You can tell a wet one from a dry one this way easily. Poop, if you are wondering but can't smell, take a peep by peeping down the back or through the leg band.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
When I worked at a daycare,we checked %26amp; changed if needed every 2 hours.Unless the pooped,then we changed it right then.Just check it every 2 hours or so for pee.You will know if he poops.How do you know when to change a baby%26039;s diaper?
General rule of thumb: change a baby's diaper every two hours. Most likely, he'll be wet. If you smell something funky, he probably pooped, in which case you'd wanna change that right away.