I ask becuase when I looked online it says to give them a toy but I didnt really think newborns played with toys so any help would be very much appreciated thanks?My newborn son fusses so much whenever I change his diaper, how can I help distract him?
I think a lot of babies go through this at the newborn stage, I know mine did :) it doesn't last for long though. I found that in talking to her the whole time I was changing her as well as singing songs it kept her just that little bit calmer and eventually she stopped. Now she loves change time and being sung to :)My newborn son fusses so much whenever I change his diaper, how can I help distract him?
At this age there isn't a whole lot you can give them except for a pacifier since they haven't figured out grasping yet. Try putting a mobile above his changing table. Before you change him lay out everything you need to change him, including getting the diaper ready so you can change him as fast as possible to keep the fussing to a minimum.My newborn son fusses so much whenever I change his diaper, how can I help distract him?
With my newborn I had the same issue. Remember your baby doesn't know anything at all at this stage so he may be naturally frightened. If you are using wipes that are cold that may frighten him as well. He is experiencing a change of environment/temperature. If you are calm they will soon learn that they are safe when you are caring for him in this way and be perfectly comfortable as mine has become. Perhaps you can teach your child to be more comfortable at this time by singing or keeping the him warm. The only that may instantly change his crying would be a bottle and i don't know if it would be a good idea to combine that with a changing.My newborn son fusses so much whenever I change his diaper, how can I help distract him?
My son is the same way.. he cries like I am killing him everytime i change his clothes or his diaper. What I started doing before I change his diaper or clothes is talk to him and try getting him to laugh.. He does sometimes and it actually works depending on what kind of mood he is.. So just try talking to him and everything while you do it..