I am having hard time at nigh to change my baby's diaper at night. She always wwake up. I want to feed her and put her to bed without waking her up since I have to go to work early in morning. I tried changing it before, but she is screaming with hunger.I tried changing afer but she is slept by the time she finishes her bottle and wakes up when I try to change her diaper. Do you guys know a best way?How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
If she doesn't wake up because she is hungry, or wet, leave her be. A wet diaper for a while won't do any damage, and she will wake up when she is hungry. Let her sleep. If your nursing, use a pump so your milk supply stays high, and she will still get that from you. If she is on a bottle, well, your set.
You can't set a scedule on a 3 month old...I tried! You get some sleep, and your small dictator will let you know when she needs you!How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Wait until she wakes up, feed her for a few minutes and then change her butt. After she is clean and ready to go, nurse her again.
Do not feed her until she falls asleep, even though it's alot easier on you now, it's going to be tough soon enough. Cut out that bad habit before it's too late.How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Feed and change your baby right before you put her to bed for the night. Don't bother her or her diaper during the night unless she wakes up hungry. If she does wake up in the night, the fastest way to get her back to sleep is to keep the lights down low, change her diaper first (since that will make her fuss), then feed her and she should fall right to sleep once her tummy is full!How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Change her before you feed her. So she's crying . . . that's okay. Babies cry. You will get so it takes 30 seconds or less to change her, and by the time she starts getting the milk in her tummy all will be well. No, you don't want to change her when she's finished eating and is happily asleep. Let sleeping dogs (and babies) lie.
Enjoy!How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Well she takes a bottle that means if anyone else is ther you can ask them to start helping you in the morning.If not wake a bit earlier .Or get a chair and sit next to the baby in her bed prop a small blanket behind her so she is up right and feed her with out picking her up , make sure she stays on her side after incase of spit up.I wish I could be more help , but this is one reason I am a stay at home mom , because babies need their momies.How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Try to wake up before she does... so she's just a little hungry, and not %26quot;screaming w/ hunger%26quot;.
I'd not wake her once she's asleep, for me - I'd rather hear her fuss for a few seconds first - then feed her and we all go back to sleep than to feed her then end up waking her to change, then have to settle her back down to sleep!How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
My three month old has decided within the last week that changing the diaper at night is bad. He'll wake from a perfect slumber if I try to take him in the nursery and change him during the night so I just bite the bullet and leave him in the wet diaper til morning or he gets fussy. It's hard but if he's happy why bother him?How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Just changer her quickly. It's not going to hurt her if she's crying for a minute while you change her diaper. Don't have the light on in the room you are changing her in. Have a hall light on or the bathroom light on just to give enough light so you can see what you are doing. A baby screaming is not the end of the world. Yes its sad but so what if they are crying. You're doing what she needs so don't worry about a minute of crying.How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
You could try feeding just enough to calm her down then stopping to do a change and then finish your feeding. It may work :)How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
I'd put up with the screaming and change it before feeding....that way you know she'll go right back to sleep after she's has finished eating. You should also ask the doctor if you can give her cereal before bedtime -- this will help her sleep through the night and you won't have to get up for a night-time feeding at all. Good luck! I remember the sleepless nights and it wasn't fun.How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
ahh yes.. i remember going through this....
when she wakes up... before you go in to pick her up.... go into the kitchen and make her bottle..... warm the bottle up while you are changing the diaper... so that as soon as you are done changing her, the bottle is ready. There really isnt a way to not wake your baby up while you change her diaper, unless you are just lucky.How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Try to give her a pacifier while you change her diaper. Change her first, then feed her.
Keep the lights low and don't make any sound.
Have everything for her diaper change out and ready so you are not searching for things in the dark. If you mix your formula, put the powder in the bottle before you go to bed so it is ready for you to just add water.
Those are the only tips I can give you. Night wakings are tough, especially for working parents, but they will pass...and you will miss them.
Congratulations and Good Luck!How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
if ur waking her to feed/change her that is interrupting her sleep, teaching her bad habit and making both of u cranky. let her be.
at her last feed change her- am sure the screaming is for no more than a few seconds unless u are an incredibly slow diaper changer :)How can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
I dont change my little ones diaper at night unless its soaked. She's never pooped at night since she was 6 weeks old. My little one is also 3 monthHow can I feed and change her diaper of my 3 months old without waking her up at night?
Well try change it first then feed her. Or if all else fails i know it unhealthy and disgusting thing to do, but just let her sleep until she wakes up.