How often am i supposed to change his diaper and does it change (number of times) as he gets olderHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
haha i read that i thought you meant the diaper was 10 weeks old lol i was like what is wrong with youHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
uh, change it when it needs to be changed. Whenever he has a bowel movement or the diaper is wet...
There really isn't a set *schedule*...How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
When it's wet or poopy!!!! Usually about 10 or more times a day. Yes, it slows down as they get older.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
Just change them when they are dirty.or depends on the child and his appetite....there is no set amount...How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
When he is wet or poopy. On average I change my sons diaper every hour to hour and a half. It really varies from mom to mom.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
every time he pees and poops. How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
as necessaryHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
Change diapers as often as it is necessary. If the diaper is soiled, change it.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
when ever it poops or pees, thats when..
also, don't forget to feed it and give it baths :PHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
just change it when it gets dirty. How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
Whenever it needs to be changed... Unless its been there for hours days weeks or even months. Use your jugmentHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
Um, 10 weeks without changing a diaper is TOO LONG.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
There's no set number of times- you just have to keep checking his diaper.
If you're talking about how often he should be wetting himself; usually the norm is somewhere around 6-10 times in 24 hours. But it could be more. How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
u just change the babays diaper every time.... it gets dirty.... .( when he poops in it)How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
are you serious just check the diaper that will tell you How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
A lot more often than every 10 weeks. Kidding
Every few hours. The cleaner you keep your child- the better. Speaking as a parent of a 21 year old- You'll miss taking care of them the right way.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
It all depends on the amount of times he does do-do or wee-wee. Every day is different. Just check it in between feedings if your not too sure.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
your mom must not be around for advice i see
of course when its nasty poo and when you peek then feel inside his diaper and he is wet against the skin the diaper will feel bunchy
and it gets more often to change as they get older
there is not a specific number of changes just keep an eye on him when he goes down for naps and when he wakes up is a good time to check
of course keep baby powder and rash medicine on handHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
um.. you change the diaper when they go to the bathroomHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
Obviously when he's poopy, as for the pee we use the squeeze test. Squeeze the bottom of the diaper, if it feels a little squishy, change it! My daughter gets changed about every two hours.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
I used to change my daughter before every feeding and if she pooped. Also I would change her before we left the house. At that age I think we went through about 9 or 10 diapers a day.
Maybe some babies are different, but I couldn't change her just because her diaper was wet - I swear she peed every 5 minutes! That's why I stuck with the feeding time changing routine. How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
you should change after each feed and change after a poo. And yes it does change as they get older my 19mth old has his nappy changed twice a day or more if his done a poo.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
I change when mine needs it and before every feeding.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
With a 10 week old, it probably averages once an hour, but you should be changing it everytime it's dirty. Diapers are not toilets and shouldn't be left on until they are %26quot;full%26quot;. Check him atleast once an hour during the day and change him when he wakes up at night.
As babies get older, they go less often. My 2 1/2 yr old (before she was potty trained) could go as long as 3-4 hours before she needed to be changed.
Hope this helped, good luck.How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
i change it as often as she dirties them. If there is only one wee i still change her, just to avoid a rash, also put cream on them like a barrier even if they dont have a rashHow often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
i usually changed my son at least every other hour or so when he was that age. i would %26quot;check%26quot; him every hour, though, at least.
**How often should i change 10wk olds diaper?
i change my son every 20 minutes even if he isn't wet because i don't want him to get a diaper rash. i have since he was born. just change the baby when he is wet. and it will decrease as he gets older.