Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?

I have an 8 year old and a 16 month old- and many neices and nephews- so I realize when infants get older etc- diaper changes become harder because babies start to roll etc. And then when they turn into toddlers they fight it and roll etc.

Ok so my 16 month old is at that point- only her rolling around etc is just 'crazy'. I feel like I'm in a wrestling match every single time we change diapers! IT%26quot;S EXHASUTING!. She rolls around and flops over and kicks and cries etc. SHE is sooo strong- I try and make it fun (ie- %26quot;toes to your nose%26quot;) but lately every single one is a huge struggle. I don't remember it being this bad with my oldest!?!?!?! Any ideas or suggestions? Even if I hold her legs crossed at her stomach she somehow manages to flip over! My grandmother can change her diaper and she lays there perfectly still for her- but if me or dh does it- forget it. Just looking for some ideas/suggestions or is it just a stage ALL kids go through? If so- how long does it last?Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
my kids were just like this i pinned them down with my feet on their arms (gently) and it helped loadsWrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
Man, I was hoping to find the answer to this!

Sometimes, some things work sometimes they don't. Singing works sometimes, a toy works sometimes, telling her calmly but sternly to sit still hasn't worked at all yet, except to aggravate her further. I do agree with having everything ready to go to do it fast. Drives me crazy to watch others do it because they don't prepare themselves and aren't fast and she gets aggravated and starts screaming and crying to be set free diaper or no diaper!Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
Wow this is tough because i am still changing my son Thomas in my avatar picture he is 10 now and has autism ...he gets like this and can you imagine the force of a ten year olds legs !

What i did if he is kicking is turn him to the side so his legs are not aiming at you, its tricky but we mastered it, also another trick is have the nappy ready if she hasn't done a poop take it off standing up and lie her straight on to it ...oh the battles !Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
My eldest was a wiggle worm. I started changing her in the floor and used my feet to hold her arms down. I'd get the wipes, cream, and diaper ready beforehand so the actual changing went really fast. She wasn't happy that she couldn't get up, but it worked and left my hands free for changing her. Once I finished, I'd move my feet and she'd crawl off in a happy rush.Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
Get your stuff together, the drop her on the floor and swing one leg over her middle. Keep her hands on the top half and change her as fast as you can!

This stage lasts till they stop wearing diapers....Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
I change them standing up. My 18 month old is impossible to changeWrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
My sister has this same problem. Her daughter will fight her like crazy, but when I change her diaper she is perfectly calm. She used to fight me too, but I used to start singing to her during changes, or saying nursery rhymes. My niece loves singing so she would pay attention to my voice rather than fighting me. If that didnt work I would give her something to hold (something she loved) and it kind of took her attention away. I think this is a phase many kids go through, my niece was around 16 mo old when it happened to her too. She is 2 years old now and its so much easier now.Wrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
give her a toy... book, or snack...

I feel your pain... my 11mth old is a twister too!!

also... in a pinch.... I can distract him by tickling his belly etc... every few seconds throughout the diaper change....

add the sound effects and odd mommy daddy face...and we are done....

lastly, we enlist our three yr old to is enamored with his older brother... so just having brother sit next to us during the diaper change...can calm him down (sometimes this backfires LOL)

good luckWrestling Match at diaper changing time!?
I went through this with my kids.

This may sound harsh but she has to learn that she must obey and sit still.

You need to hold her still or hold down her legs(not rough). And tell her firmly %26quot;no%26quot; and %26quot;hold still%26quot;. You will need to stick with it until she learns that you are serious and won't give up. No matter what do not get angry with her, stay firm and calm. She may be mad because she was able to get away with it before but she will realize that you are serious. And she may test you every once in awhile to see if you still mean business. I know politically correct discipline thinks that would be to harsh but why do you think there are so many children that flat out defy their parents in public. Children need to learn one thing and one thing only at an early age and that is to obey their parents. If they learn early on that they can't get away with misbehaving and have to obey, it makes things a lot easier as they get older.

Oh and congratulation on the new baby!