My fiance and I want to have a baby, but i've never even changed a diaper. I mean i know how do take off the diaper and put it on, but what do i do between those parts lol.How do i change a diaper?
1. Gather all items before starting. This includes the diaper, wipes, a cover cloth for little boys, and diaper rash ointment, if needed and a change of clothes if needed. You will not step away from the changing area once you begin. It doesn't matter how bad the child needs changing; it's a matter of safety. Lay the child on a flat surface, preferably with a towel underneath them,so they will be comfortable and not squirm. Remove any outerwear that impedes changing the diaper.
2. Open a clean diaper and lay it underneath the baby's soiled one. (This keeps the surface clean if baby decides to go while you're replacing the diaper.) Remove the straps of the diaper with baby's legs down. Take the front flap of the diaper and lay it down (unfolding it towards you). Make sure the baby's bottom is still on the back flap of the diaper!
3. Gently grab the ankles of the child with one hand and raise them so that the child's bottom is off the diaper but the lower back is still on it. Remove the soiled diaper to the side, getting the stuff out of the way while you clean up baby (this keeps the mess to a minimum). Keep these things out of reach of the baby and out of the way of his or her feet!
4. Grab a baby wipe. Clean where the baby soiled. Wipe front to back, instead of back to front, for less chance of possible infections. Check that all skin folds and such are clean.
5. Keep baby's bottom up while you wipe the large bits of stool off first, then the rest of it. It usually will take about 4-6 wipes for a really messy diaper. As you use the wipes, place the used ones on top of the soiled diaper that you just removed. You should still be holding the child's bottom up by the ankles.
6. Fold the dirty diaper in half with your free hand, to keep the soil and wipes inside while you finish the job. Use the tabs to make it all into one tight bundle.
7. Lower the child gently onto the new diaper. (See, it was all ready for you!) Bring the flap forward and tape it to the back flap around the child's waist, making sure it's not too tight. Also make sure that the ruffle is out around the leg to prevent leaks!
8. Pick up baby. If you need to change the baby's clothes, do that now. If you need to clean the changing area, place baby in safe location like in the crib, before doing so. If there is anything to launder, pretreat as necessary and proceed to launder.
9. Place the disposable diaper into a small plastic bag, seal, and place it outside in a garbage can.
10. Put everything away. Creams, lotions, and baby oils must be put somewhere safe as they can be very harmful if swallowed by a child. Keep all of your diaper changing supplies where you will be able to find them quickly and easy each time you need them.
11. Wash your hands thoroughly, and wipe baby's hands with another wipe if necessary.
Watch the video on the link below...and good luck!How do i change a diaper?
You use a wipe to clean them up, and put baby powder or butt cream on them if they need it. It's pretty simple. But don't worry, once you have your own baby and change a few, you'll be able to do it in your sleep!How do i change a diaper?
You know, you wipe up the mess thoroughly, put the used wipes in the used diaper, wrap it all up, and toss it! I always put a clean diaper under the dirty one so when I pull off the soiled one, if some pee happens it doesn't get all over.How do i change a diaper?
you just wipe everything down. It's pretty easy with a newborn. Not so easy with a toddler. But by that time you'd have had plenty of practice. Trust me, it's the least of your worries.How do i change a diaper? do i change a diaper?
All I do is:
1) Make sure the diaper is dirty
2) Put the baby on the changing table or regular table
3) Take the plastic sticky thing on the side and pull them a loose or just cut the diaper off the baby with scissors (be careful to not cut the baby and be sure to keep the evidence in the diaper)
4) Lift the baby up my the legs approx. 3 to 4 inches off the table, making sure to pull the diaper toward you. Then put the baby back down
5) Take wipes or whatever and clean up the baby's private area
6) Put a fresh diaper on in a reverse step motionHow do i change a diaper?
Lick the doo-doo off the diaper!