I have looked and looked online, but I cannot find the answer! A friend of mine picked up her son today from daycare. The staff informed her that her son had run out of diapers and did not get a diaper change from 9:00am - 5:30pm. First off, we work 3 minutes from the daycare and she lives 5 minutes from the daycare, so she could have gone home to get more diapers if they would have called her. Does anyone now if there is a state regulation that requires daycares a certain amount of diaper changes during a period of time?How often are daycares required to change diapers?
i dont think so
my mom told me that one time she picked me up from day care and i had a huge nasty dirty poopy diaperHow often are daycares required to change diapers?
I would take my child out of that daycare. They are obviously a bunch of idiots, who in the right mind would think that it is okay to leave a baby in a dirty diaper for that long. Its not like they dont have a phone. I would also make a complaint on this daycare to the better business bureau. What they did was absolutely rediculous. How often are daycares required to change diapers?
Wow that's crazy!Most of the daycares I know of had extra diapers just in case!!But thats nasty that they left him that long!I would definently take him out!Thats just sick!How often are daycares required to change diapers?
I don't know if there is a regulation or not, but at my daughter's daycare they changed diapers every 2 hours, more often if they knew they were soiled. I would complain to the head of the daycare, and possibly to the state agency.How often are daycares required to change diapers?
Gross! I would definitely complain. They should have A) tried to call her and B) borrowed another baby's diaper and then ask your friend to supply a diaper for the borrowed one.
I know at all the day cares I've worked at we always check diapers every hour and a half. If it was dry at that time we checked it in the next 30 minutes. Obviously if it was a poopy diaper we changed it as soon as we noticed it.How often are daycares required to change diapers?
gross - I can't believe a daycare would get away with that!!! at my son's daycare they change their diapers every 2 hours...How often are daycares required to change diapers?
Omg!! That's appalling! I am trying desperately to figure out a way to not have to put my daughter in daycare in January when I go back to school because of things like this... :-( I would definitely complain. That's ridiculous.How often are daycares required to change diapers?
I dont know about requirements but I worked at 3 daycares and all said they MUST be changed within 2 hours. Now, I understand that with 10 babies in a room and only 3 of us that 2 hours goes by fast, but I was appalled (when I nannied, it was more frequent). There were too may diaper rashes and it was kind of sad.
Im pretty sure there are requirements that children be changed when soiled. At least that was my impression as a worker Plus, the daycare is supposed to have EXTRA ones in case that happens.