Thursday, June 2, 2011

My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?

She acts as if I am hurting her and screams and thrashes about making it very difficult to dress/change her diaper. I wonder how normal this extreme behaviour is? I try distracting her with toys or a song but that doesn't work. By the end of the changing session, my back is in agony and I feel like I have run a marathon!My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
It is likely that she is upset about being physically restrained - this is the prime age for learning mobility, for needing to be on the move. I do not think it is extreme behavior, just a phase of struggle for independence.

Distracting a good strategy - video, TV etc.

You may try changing her standing up - it feels to a kid like she is more in control, more free

Or on a pad on the floor (rather than on a changing table) - so that you can sit on the floor next to her m - instead of trying to hold on to her, and keeping her safe (she cannot fall off the floor)My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
maybe its a sensory thing?? My daughter does this when i try and put a long sleeve top on her, i still dont know why exactly but i know its sensory, she doesnt like things on her arms. Either she gets too hot or feels restricted or it feels scratchy, or hurts her. But either way its a nightmare, especially when its cold. Distractions dont work for her either. Maybe its the type of material?? maybe the wipes are too cold for her??My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
I hate hearing this so I apologize for saying this, but have there ever been signs of abuse on your child? It's normal for a child to actively resist being changed but not to this extent.

I would honestly have a talk with your pediatrician. Some children (like mine) are just so busy with the rest of their environment that stopping for any reason is torture. If possible just hold her until she's quiet then continue.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
Oh my, the trials and tribulations of diaper changes! Both of my kids, now 3 years and 16 months, hated having their diapers changed as they got older. My oldest, a son, started fighting them around a year but he learned that he just needed to do it within a few months and things settled down. My daughter, however, still leaves me sweating after every diaper change, although now, at least, she finds them more funny than hysterical, in a screaming, I hate to have my diaper changed kind of way.

Just keep trying to distract and go as quickly as possible. Two things that help us...

First, rotate in different, unusual, special and even typically off-limit items onto the changing area that baby can only use while getting the diaper changed. For us, sometimes it's her older brother's rubber frog, a hair brush, mommy's keys, random items that just seem to capture her attention for a few minutes. Also, switch to pull ups. This helps us A LOT! I f your child is large enough to fit in the smaller size ones (usually the weights will overlap with the diapers even though they say they are for 2Ts). My kids were much happier standing and having a diaper pulled on than laying down the entire change and it really did help make the experience better overall.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
Put her diaper on whilst she stands...I do...they dont mind that so much. It's the loss of control they cannot keep laying a toddler on it's back like you do with a newborn,.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
Ah its pretty normal, shes walking now, so she hates to be laid down and forced to stay there for a while so she can be changed!

my daughter never did this, she will if its a quick change on the floor, but on the change table she is fine.

But alot of my girlfriends have trouble! One had to use the new huggies nappy pants, so its quick and easy, coz her daughter would scream and carry on.

And my other friend, her son wil give her bruises from the way he carries on, she has severe back pains from the troubles with changing her son. She has to get her mother to hold him down!

Id just say talk to her, give her a book or toy to amuze her while she is changed, gets her mind off it. Or make it fun. but as you said this usually doing work. talk her threw it and get her to put the powder on or pass you the wipes! Gets her mind off being taken from her games and laid down, so she thinks its going to be fun and its good to have a nappy change. Try find nappies similar to pull ups (here in australia we have nappy pants) that will make it easier for you and for her!

goodluckMy 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
From experience, this is normal. I remember thinking, will this ever end, and it did about 3 months ago, my child is 22 months old now. I used to sit on the floor and change the diaper and put my legs on his arms so he couldn't flail all over the place and just change it really fast. When the toys quit working for me I gave him some wipes and a diaper, he like to peel the tab off of the diaper and when I was done wiping I would hurry up and put the diaper on and by then he was done with the tantrum.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
Smack her.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
I love the poster who suggested it may be due to child abuse. How freaking ridiculous.

My son is 18 months old. He does the same thing and has for a couple months now. I am an at-home mom and he's not away from me so it can't be exposure to child abuse.

How about it's normal? Kids at that age do NOT like to sit still. They do NOT like being restricted - even under the most average of circumstances. My pediatrician agrees. Welcome to the wonderful world of toddlerhood. If your back feels anything like mine, I'm feeling for you. I hear that this phase will pass though. Just keep changing/dressing her and don't react to it. Eventually she will figure out that it is going to happen whether she likes it or not.My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
I dread changing my daughter!! She never minded before but for the past few months she has resorted to fussing and squirming anytime you try to change her!! It is very frustrating but I can't just stop changing her! ; ) The crazy thing is she only does this for me and her Dad. My younger sisters have been watching her a couple days a week for me since they are on summer break and when I was home on my lunch break last week I watched my sister changing her and my daughter was just laughing away. *sighs*My 16 month old cries hysterically and flails about while I am trying to change her diaper or just dress her.?
You as the parent have to take control. I am not one to follow all of these alternative ways to get things done with your child. Changing your kid while they are standing up so they feel like they are in control seems so absurd to me! A smack on the leg always worked for me. And after a few times they get it.